What they say about WiForAgri

Dario Maurigh
Agronomist at Consorzio Tutela Vini del Collio

Consortium’s companies have considered the use of these tools as a valid decision support system.

Jadran Sever
Agronomist at Vinakoper (Slovenia)

We daily consult the platform to monitor infections indexes and plan the work in the vineyard … in the 2019 season we managed to save up to three treatments … We believe that this savings will consolidate and possibly increase!

Matjaz Hladnik
Researcher at University Primorska of Koper

The data collected by the sensors feed the agronomic forecasting models indicating the ideal moment for phytosanitary treatments … the mathematical algorithms can be trained to the various microclimates present in the vineyard and in this way it is possible to predict the risk for each lot.


Why choose WiForAgri

Pesticide use reduction

Thanks to the forecast models (DSS) it is possible to monitor the risk of diseases (the pressure of diseases) for each agricultural lot and plan phytosanitary treatments only where, when and if necessary.

Optimal protection from pathologies

Thanks to the use of DSS models, it is possible to carry out phytosanitary treatments at the optimal moment (of maximum sensitivity). The optimal timing changes every year, for each individual period/treatment and for each micro-climatic area.

Get the most out of tough vintages

By optimizing the treatment times, a final product of higher quality and sometimes even in greater quantity is collected. This is more evident in difficult years (with a high risk of pathologies) and in extraordinary climatic years during which a standard phytosanitary defense can generate unexpected and significant losses.

Response to climate change

The phytosanitary defense based on forecasting models allows better protection from pathologies also in particular and extraordinary climatic years (an increasingly common event).

Optimize the abuse of water and fertilizers

Customized forecast models dedicated to the water balance and fertilization organized to assess in real-time the water and nutrient requirements (NPK) of the specific crop in each agricultural lot. The models required key indications to avoid both waste of water and fertilizers and a deficit of these essential substances for optimal yield.

Agricultural fields always under control

All the services included in the WiForAgri web platform allow you to remotely monitor the main critical issues in your agricultural fields even if they are numerous and distant from each other. You can decide priorities and urgent interventions even in your absence and limiting travel.


Our partners

Porto Conte Ricerche
La Ferraria


WiForAgri on field


Monitoring, protection and advanced management of agricultural crops

We use certified WMO quido stations

Field monitoring

quido-WiForAgri is a technological solution for monitoring, defense and advanced management of agricultural crops. It consists of:

  1. A professional and WMO certified agro-meteorological station;
  2. A decision support software service (DSS) with predictive modeling of crop diseases and agronomic management;
  3. Additional unique software features for advanced management of field actions (weather forecast, treatment agenda, bioclimatic indexes, etc.).

All accessible through a single and simple software accessible via the web.

Quido measuring stations use only certified sensors with high precision and can include secondary monitoring nodes with capillary sensors in the individual rows/fields. Thanks to the use of the latest generation wireless protocols with low energy consumption (eg Sigfox and LoRaWan) the battery life is at least 2 years without any recharging system.

Decision support system (DSS)

Protection: predictive models

The forecasting models used by the WiForAgri platform have been developed starting from collaborations in universities and research and development projects. Each model (agronomic and phytopathological) is validated over multi-year periods by comparing the stages of development of the pathologies/problems observed in the field and those simulated by the models. Subsequently, the algorithms were optimized through a progressive calibration of some significant parameters and weights. Finally, these calibrations have been successfully tested in a number of statistically relevant agronomic realities.

The DSS software relating to agronomic management (e.g. irrigation and fertilization model) together with the prediction models of phytosanitary risk (specific diseases and pests for crops) allows optimization in the timing and dosage of water, fertilizers, and phytosanitary treatments.

Advanced management: features and services

  • Customizable decision support

    Forecasting models to support decisions personalized and trained to the specific variety and micro-climate (Vines, Olives, Apple, Corn, other crops)

  • Customizable attention thresholds

    Possibility to set alarm via SMS and/or email

  • Custom weather forecast

    Georeferenced and high definition (up to 72 hours) with a resolution of 3 hours.

  • Multi-user hierarchical accounts

    Possibility of creating hierarchical accounts for multiple and differentiated access to data and services

  • Maintenance and assistance

    We daily monitor the operating status of the measurement network of all customers and our technicians are available for an assistance service via email, chat, and telephone

  • Multiple agricultural lots

    Creation of multiple independent agricultural lots for their dedicated management

  • Real-time and historical data

    Data visualization through intuitive graphs

  • Field notebook

    Field data and field notebook management features (Phenological phases, Climatic Adversity, Phytophages, Pathologies, Pathophysiologies, Treatments, other)

  • Manage your data

    Unlimited validation and retention of historical data with the possibility of exporting the data in tabular form

  • Training and technical support

    Remote training and technical support on the use of WiForAgri software services

  • Account gerarchici multi-utente

    Possibilità di creazione di account gerarchici per un accesso multiplo e differenziato a dati e servizi

  • Possibilità di gestione di più lotti agricoli

    Creazione di più lotti agricoli indipendenti per la loro gestione dedicata

  • Previsioni meteo personalizzate

    Geo-riferite e ad alta definizione (fino a 72 ore) con risoluzione oraria pari a 3 ore

  • Supporto decisionale personalizzabile

    Modelli previsionali di supporto alle decisioni DSS personalizzati ed addestrati alla specifica varietà e micro-clima (Vite, Olivo, Mela, Mais, altre colture)

  • Dati real-time e storici

    Visualizzazione dati mediante grafici intuitivi

  • Soglie d'attenzione personalizzabili

    Possibilità impostazione allerte via sms e/o email

  • Quaderno di campagna

    Funzionalità di gestione dati di campo e diario di campagna (Fasi fenologiche, Avversità climatiche, Fitofagi, Patologie, Fisiopatie, Trattamenti, altro)

  • Gestisci i tuoi dati

    Validazione e conservazione illimitata di dati storici con possibilità export dei dati in forma tabellare

  • Manutenzione e assistenza

    Monitoriamo giornalmente lo stato di funzionamento della rete di misura di tutti i clienti ed i nostri tecnici sono a disposizione con un servizio di assistenza via mail, chat e telefono

  • Formazione e supporto tecnico

    Formazione e supporto tecnico a distanza sull’utilizzo dei servizi software WiForAgri


Technologies and new skills

Lifelong learning

with our Webinars

Digital technologies in agriculture need new skills and continuous technology transfer. The WiForAgri team organizes free online training events provided through interactive Web Seminars and aimed at farmers, technicians, scholars and sector operators. By simply registering, you will receive a web address dedicated to the streaming event on your email. The videos of the seminars already held will still be recorded and usable in our archive.

Discover WiForAgri for free

Try our platform. Enter the future of agriculture now!

Register now on WiForAgri, locate your virtual agro-meteorological station, create your lot to monitor and use our free trial services for 6 months!


Scegli l’offerta più adatta a te


  • Graficazione dati
  • Previsioni meteo georiferite
  • Allarmi (sms, mail)
  • Quaderno di campagna
  • Export dati


  • Graficazione dati
  • Previsione meteo georiferite
  • Allarmi (sms, mail)
  • Quaderno di campagna
  • Export dati
  • Multiutente gerarchico (fino a 5 account)
  • DSS Difesa: 1 filiera e 1 lotto


  • Graficazione dati
  • Previsioni meteo georiferite
  • Allarmi (sms, mail)
  • Quaderno di campagna
  • Export dati
  • Multiutente gerarchico (fino a 5 account)
  • DSS Difesa (fino a 3 lotti)
  • DSS Gestionale (Irrigazione e Concimazione) fino a 3 lotti

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Sustainable innovation

WiForAgri is a solution by

Primo Principio

Primo Principio is a Cooperative Company made up of engineers, agronomists, experts in social sciences and digital artisans.
We have chosen to share human capital, knowledge and experience to offer ICT services dedicated to the rural and agricultural world. In particular, we have developed advanced skills and significant experiences in IoT technologies applied to environmental monitoring systems with associated software and DSS services.
Our vision tries to keep ethics and innovation together: we care about the sustainability of technology and we work to offer our customers a “human” technology, appropriate, easy to use and concrete utility.
We demonstrate to our customers that those who invest in appropriate technologies, quality and sustainability obtain excellent results. We turn information into value.


You can request technical and commercial information using the form below or write to info@wiforagri.com. Follow us on our social networks to stay up to date on our activities

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